Wednesday, October 07, 2009

While waiting~

for them to call back... Im in dilemma on which phone to choose.

Hey my contract ends mid of nxt mth and i Juz realise bout it... No wonder lah, Starhub keeps sms-ing me the promos and all.. but Free$50 shopping voucher ape cerita sei... cheh.. nt worth at all.....!
Ape lagik.. AkaQ call up la Starhub and demand for ans!... ekh im soo nt like this u know... nih kes terdesak la kan sebab usually every contract ends, they will issue me at least $100 off for mobile or some $0 sembarangan hp or top-up a little bit more for the gd ones hp. and This year.. amciam tarak dpt tuh semua.... ape lagik... CALL sama dia...

Ok mayb u think im taking the advantage of the situation esp when they oredi lost the battle on EPL.. but waddaheck.. I am a hubber and I have the right to do this LOL... mcm real ajer bebual. I've been loyal; my broadband, my home-phone and my mobile all under Starhub!

and now..... I've seen a friend of mine got herself a BlackBerry. Cool la... hmmm now im contemplating whether to take that up or Samsung or even Nokia.... I've enuf of Sony Ericsson! bab iPhone akaQ tak mampu sebab nih darah takder darah Singtel kihkihkih......

for now tunggu ajer la ape Starhub nyer olang nak kata.. kalau dia kata NEHI ajer... meh aku ajar dia ek.. Im cancelling my contract la w/ u.. and sign up for Singtel.... ok tak threat mcm gtu LOL!!....

p/s: adengan ni semua mcm iye� orh belaka. kalau ada kene mengena pon, sendiri mau pikir!