Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Episode 4: The Unforgettable Journey~

On a serious note:

Thank you all for the well wishes to our family. Alhamdulillah, although it's a tough battle, I made it to the end with the help and support from eLms. And thanks to Allah for giving me the opportunity to be alive to see my new born baby and InsyaAllah to see both my girls grow to be better human beings.

Freshly squeezed out from the oven mcm paru² panas baru direbus, Ellisa Nabilah.

Meh meh dok cerita nih.

4cm dilated and actually my contractions were somehow minor. On that day, 5th Nov, gotta know that the hospital was fully book but thank goodness we have a chance to admit on that day. To cut story short² ah, we waited for Dr Mary Yang at the delivery suite fr 12ish to 2+pm coz she had do some surgery. Oh! Obama won rite ngehngehngeh.... we knew it all along~

After Dr Yang broke my waterbag, within 2hrs I dilated to 5cm. She thought that it was a weeeee bit slow tho. So she gave me some "help"; INDUCED.... errrrrrr wats that? Is that painful? Tuh ler akaq tanya si Dr tuh. Bcoz for the delivery of eLLy, I was not been induced. Oh cowww, u know how segan I was she used the needle. hurhurhur pain hor.!!

And few mins later, I felt it. Allah is Great! He tested me with the greatest pain of all. To add matters worst, we heard other patients screaming as well. Errr I think only A PATIENT lah. She kept screaming GOD~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ for a few times then I felt like screaming too coz of the extreme pain but I was kinda shy so, I just cry on my own. Iyo cik kak, saya nangis! sakit ape.... I told eLms to gripped my right hand as tight as possible and don let it go. I don feel much pain on the waist area but mostly on the tummy. It's different from elly's whereby the waist area felt like gonna snapped into 2.

6cm dilated. And I felt LIKE goin to BERAK. But na'ah.. 4cm more to go. Suddenly, out of the blue. I felt the baby's head down there. Quickly, they called the Dr. The midwife told me not to push and used the towel as a stopper to stop the baby's head from popping out. But I did not listen to her advise coz it was too painful, gue nak terberak lahhh~~ I push! hahahaha...

Lemme forward a bit. Dr Yang was equipped with boots PCK, goggles and the apron. Cheh sempat aku chui skate altho sakit. I remembered these were wat I said...

"The baby's head down there... help me....."
"....Help.. the baby's there.... it's painful...."

whoahhh not bad ah I can remember what I said. I can recall that I did raise my voice a few times or shall I rephrase as aku marah lah ngehngehngeh.

I had a long pushhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh till I was breathless. Then Dr Yang told me to breathe in and out like I was panting.. But I pushhhhhhhhh coz I heard eLms said push hahahaha... Then canne nak panting ek coz the contractions subside. But according to eLms, the baby's head was out and went in a bit but Dr Yang was still holding it. Al-kisah nyah, mak tak tahu ler.... Then panting panting panting.. tetiba, Dr terpelantingkan budak tuh kat atas perut ku. I felt a warm meat on my tummy. It gave me a shock coz all the while I shut my eyes and when I opened, I saw my baby there. Alhamdulillah!~

I admitted that I was almost defeated and gave up the battle. I blamed it all coz Im ageing ngehngehngeh.. bley gituq... Then we heard the patient shouted GOD~~~~~~~~~~~ again.. ekh seksa aku dah abis tau.. kau nyer blom...? Kesian kan dia terseksa mcm gitu.

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