Tuesday, December 02, 2008

25th day onwards~

Escape to Vivo CT

I cudnt wait for the confinement days to be over. So I over-kan earlier than expected. Well b4 tt, a few days b4, I'd oredi went out for my mthly groceries shopping. Bak kata org² tua skrg lah, budak skrg mana nak kira pantang ni semua... main hentam ajer. miehehehehe...

The kaki-s (reads:legs) very the itchi-s. As early as 11am, we had our tea time at Coffee Bean & Tea Leaves. I had my large Hot Chocolate. It's soooo nice tt I sipped it slowly. How lovely! Elms had his fave Ice Blended Sunrise which (in my opinion) was not tt bad.

It's as if I was freed fr a bird's cage. The urge to shop rushed in me. But I only restricted myself to buy just 1 thing. So I head off to MAC shop, just to buy a freaking white eyeliner... duuh! Itu pon jadik ek, I was satisfied hahahaha. Then the-must-to-go-in shop; TOYS R US~~ kakak Ellia will move ard the whole store to "..tengok² something ajer..." then lepas tuh Ayah Mimi will have to pay for her tengok² something (reads: look ard for something)

Being at home as a part-time stay-at-home-mOmmie is kinda cool. Ellen Degeneres, Oprah Winfrey, Rachel Ray and the a bit boring Martha Stewart, Take Home Chef, The Naked Chef Jamie Olliver often keep me company the whole day and not forgetting OKTO channel and The Playhouse Disney channel too. While watching tv, every 2hrs, someone will demand something fr me.

Introducing the main cast of "Aku Mengamok Tapi Tak Demanding", Ellisa.

Close eyes open eyes (direct translated ek), she's turning 1 mth soon. Ok tt's freaking me out as yr 2008 will be ending soon and my maternity leave will be ending for the 1st half of it. Elly will attend Nursery soon, shoes and socks to be bought. Rasanya Pallas Zap-On masih exist tak kat Singapore nih? Very ol' skool ek..... Kalau ada bag Umbro ol' skool pon I think I wanna buy..... for myself ngehngehngeh.... If Ellia steps to P3 or so, I think I wanna teach her the way to tie shoelace, the ol' skool way.... tapi still ketupat nyer lace gua tak pass² ah... bley gitu ngehngehngeh...

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