Sunday, January 04, 2009


It's 11ish on the 4th of the new 2009. And it's great to go online at this hr. Im in Elly's rm. The kids are asleep (not soundly) as both have blocked nose. Elly's recuperating right now since Monday night. She's often the main culprit to spread her "love" to us in the house. Our family doctor described it as a virus that was infectious that she gotten from others. It then spread to eLms (unfortunately) as he is the one who is taking care of her since Ellisa needs me. Elms quickly took some medicines before it was spread to him but seems that Elly's virus is often powerful that all of us will always be defeated. Her temp often reaches 39 degree more or less. Lastly, Mak was called back from her "long leave" on Friday as I need her help when eLms was away from his night shift.

Elly has to skip goin to her nursery and thank goodness it was only an hr of orientation cum mini exhibition. Her class will commence this Tues the 06th. 2mr is a holiday for her as it'll be the orientation for the K1 kids. Right now, her temperature has drop to normal, juz that she had lost her voice. Thanks to her ever-garang Ayah Mimi who will make sure she takes her medicine on time and to rest well. Elly is no longer the bunchit girl for now, but we hope her appetite will come back real soon. We miss eating with her.

Ellisa, on the other hand, was brought to the clinic at 10ish ydae's nite. I found out that she had difficulty breathing and felt like she's suffocating. The doctor reassured us that it was not serious and the mucus/phelgm will go away when she sneezes.

What a way to a kickstart of a brand New Year with the kids falling ill. Me and eLms area having sleep deprivation for now. A getaway for TWO perhaps?~~ hahaha .. nahhh not for now I guess.

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