Wednesday, October 08, 2008

it's Our 1st~

it's her 1st...

and her 1st from us...

I was and am looking forward to celebrate Hari Raya every year. Altho sometimes somehow I will feel not in the mood but when the time comes, I often remind myself that Hari Raya Aidilfitri is meant for the little kiddos. Coz I used to think, when I was still young, that Hari Raya is Hari Dapat Duit (collection time larh ah). So it'll be unfair if I am not in the mood for it, it wouldnt be fair for eLLy too. And I did not teach her that Hari Raya is Hari Collection, and will neva eva teach her that hahaha... jgn iye tuan dan puan... terlari concept nyer~

This year is the 1st time, after our 4 yrs of marriage that we went to my in laws 1st rather than my mum's. And this year is the 1st time I stayed over at my mum's fr evening till nite coz I was not able to walk that much. Furthermore, I was looking 4ward to meet up w/ my siblings and their families and even my other relatives.

My tummy was rubbed by the mentel aunties and not forgetting one of my cuzzens coz they didnt realise that I am pregnant. *slaps forehead* And when they got to know that I am having a girl again, they were thrilled and excited and shrieked over it. According to my research and statistics, (cheh mcm mana nyer real ajer) both maternal and paternal sides, kaya ngan anak lelaki. So, upon hearing that, they want me to give away my baby girl to them. Amboi, ingat anak kucing ek nak kasi kasi... ngehngehngeh..~~

Aaaanyways, I am glad that I fast for 30 days (InsyaAllah diterima oleh Allah puasaku) and that's my 1st full-term puasa kihkihkih and for that I call for celebration. I am amazed that I can eat, with little amount of coz, in each and every hses that we visited. Well, some hses I juz ate the kuih raya. hehehehe..

==to be continued==

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