Monday, October 13, 2008

The Octobies~

Hari Raya Aidilfitri always mean to me as Hari Makan ngehngehngeh. Ydae, we managed to stuff everything in the tum² at all 3 hses. Fuyoooo power neh! There's spaghetti, mee briyani, grilled chicken, sambal fishballs, black pepper cocktail sausages, mee hoon putih, satay-s, sambal prawns, tulang (err ni kita tak reti mkn ah) and byk lagik lerrr... tsk tsk tsk

We reached home ad 7ish and we quickly clean ourselves and put on our clean clothings. Elms was getting ready for his nite shift and me with ellia were on our way to Tamp St 21 for another dinner spread... Yes makan lagik! Tang kayu to my dear brothers who paid the expenses... korang mata² kan. This was to celebrate the October babies.

While waiting for hap hr, she showed me this pose. Penat weiii tunggu korang!

My bro (holds the cake) with his youngest SIL and younger BIL and to ur right is our niece. The OK-to-Ber ganyut babies!

We went to Rasa21 Warong Kim (HALAH one u noe)

My 3rd bro's family. Muka actually lembik ni, kirakan senyum tampal (reads: fake smiles) from them ngehngehngeh
Sempat dorang tukar fr baju raya and rush down coz JANJI Melayu kan slalu 1 hr late. tapi takper kerana dorang went visiting fr wdlands and my bro drove for 20mins at errr _ _ _ km/h back to Tamp, I willingly take ur reason!

My 4th bro with his wife (extreme right) and his in-laws. The pink tudong is his MIL. Dorang ni semua kalau dah bergaul ngan kekita, ya ampun gamat...! Ni kluarga pon lmbt. Sib baik ada valid reason!

My mak with her 4 out of 7 cucu-s.
Note: How come Irfan looks so yemes like the father ek? LOL!

This cake was chosen by my dear eLms (cheh dear sei!) There's a similarity between this cake and eLms; THE tajam²! mcm dia punya rambut.. Orgnye takder so kek ni konon represent him ah!~ We bought it at the new bakery shop at Tampines St 21; Bakery's Junction (HALAH one oso u noe!) This cake is not that butterish and not that creamy, maklom yg mkn pon tak kuat manis (except for certain ppl, esp me~ :P) and it's affordable. Licing kering kontang dorang kejekan ni kek! Alhamdulillah~~

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