Tuesday, June 03, 2008

The Ahmad's~

The time showed 5 mins to 4pm. After we managed to find a parking lot, it started to drizzle. Then got heavier and heavier. Was the weather welcoming us? heh... thot so too.
Most of them were under the shelter and some were bz bbq-ing and the rest were helping to hold on to the canvas to prevent water entering the BBQ pit. It was hot under that canvas. Even my 3rd bro complained that he might shed some weight after that.

Posing sideways do help to prevent attention of the bulging tum²

My 3rd bro in orange T and my 4th bro beside him.. Bz as a bumble bee


The famous all time fave [and this time round it's sure enuf]; bedengdeng dengdeng

The weather sided us. In less than an hr, it stopped Alhamdulillah. And everyone crowded the BBQ pit area to grab the food available. Orh, for the Ahmad's, self service ahhh and chope which one u want and they'll set aside for u. Make sure u're there to grab them once it's done.

There's lots of food available at the shelter area and we do help ourselves once we stepped there. Lapar babe, dah la ujan sebegini.

Thanx to the aunties and cik-kak²s yg rajin buat kuih muih tuh semua jugak.

3 out of 4 granddaughters of the Masri's.
1 of 3 grandsons were there, playing with his kenet pakciks.

This was mine. I waited patiently for it to cook. Sausages filled with cheese.

The exciting part came in late evening. Look at how many games they had to play!

"Lengan aku ketat tau. Tolong tarik tali ni!"

"Haaa sape suro pakai double layer. Kan 2 org dah kene tolong" "Jgn tersalah tarik plak ek!!"

"Pakai sleeveless senang. Lobang besar. Kan nak pegi peknik, tak yah pakai lelawa"

Nota: Ada juga kaum Adam yg berasa ngilu bahagian dada nyer sebab tali tuh asik² tertarik² ngehngehngeh...

Game Master giving out instructions - better listen properly hor.

The Amazing Race! which consists a few tasks.

My 3rd SIL, the expert of ngayam ketupats.

My 1st SIL, who is standing, helping out fellow members. She and my eldest brada' mmg jarang ler main game. But not for that day. Very supportive and I was surprised. Memang patot ler ujan pong!

I wonder where's this place is.

The cousins brainstorming the puzzle.

The only group that managed to grabbed a Malaysia 1 cent coin.

Tiba masanya melompat dlm gunnysack. This game is the all time fave esp yg bdn nyer kooossmangat. Ada juga tersembam berlutut ke tanah.

Nota: Wanita berbaju biru tuh sambil mengambil video sambil tergelak dan bersorak kuat! Kalau boleh dia pon nak join!

Toing toing toing.... Pocong di siang hari.

Ramai juga spectators dtg melihat kekecohan keluarga ini. Ada juga yg bersorak kesukaan. Sib baik tak payah bayar tiket, iye!

========== Break time =========

Dinner served. That was my Ikan Ayam². "Saya suka well done."

Pineapple and Marshmallow ni dorang ala campfire gituq. Konon mcm omputeh.

Haaa.. mcm explicit content dorang tertonggeng gitu. This is Horse Riding.
They have to transfer the balls to the bag held by another team member.

"Cepat cepat eh.. Aim btul²..."

It's night time and the camera didnt work quite well. I couldnt see what I'd recorded in the video and snapped using the dg cam.

We thot they'll just fit for 2. Tgk lah size elms hahahha. But we were amazed that he can squeezed himself into that. Sib baik tak bunyiknya praaaaaaaakk. Kalau tak nak juga kene suro Cikgu Rose anak pakcik menjahit.

Strategy is to walk accordingly. Left foot then right hor!

Selagi boleh selit, kita selitkan. Lelagi kalau bebudak senonet ginik. Mempercepatkan pemoresesan.

They are preparing for the tug of war. Gloves were provided but many didnt make use of them coz it's slippery.

If I am not mistaken, the only game that was not played was the Fear Factor. The last gathering that we had, one of the pakciks yg sungguh ingat dia bley telan semua, had to muntah kedarah telur asin hahahahaha. Itulah pakcik perot buncit saya. In a few mths time I shall challenge him; "Whose tummy is the biggest?"

The clock oredi strike 1030pm and we were still in the high mood. We were the most noisiest bunch of all. We thanked all the crowds who had enjoyed the entertainment. Then we had Bingo and other awards to the Senior Citizen .. eh salah.... Warga Emas. Oh some of the relatives were fr KL too. They were told to come down to join the fun activities available. And 1 of them was awed to see the crowds.

Fun filled activities and great food. and by 1230am, we close shop bid gdbyes!

p/s: some makciks² told me not to publish their pretty faces kihkihkihkih.

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