Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Lemme think~

The month of July is coming and somehow this year I am pretty excited. Ehemmmm, oh take note ahh Bibiknya, yours truely, is coming too, nxt week to b precise ek ek ek. *sempat enter frame* Korang plak jgn eksen tak nampak ni statement!

But the real reason is the darling used-to-be THE Toothless Babe is going to b 3. Yes! T-W-E-E!!

And the Mak and Bapak wonder what to do on her very Special Day. Mak and Bapak is hoping that Madagascar II will b out by then. And after that we can go for a small peknik together-ness surrounded by pokok² and bunga-bungaan yg chantek. Ni konon setep jiwang bawang~ Just the 3 of us and not pogetting the one in the tum².

Maknya, yg nowadays bz mcm org pangkat besauww, initially wanted to throw a 3-yr-old party bash. Iye la, konon alkisah wanna celebrate 1st yr, 3rd yr, 5th yr and bla bla bla. KONONNYA....

But Maknya tak sempat la nak dok pikiak. Bapaknya jgn ckp ah, semua dia serahkan bulat² jiwa raga kat Maknya ni. Men!! and they often say we women are kompliketot. Iye lah sukati, tapi men kawen jugak ngan women altho they're kompliketot.

Speaking of ketot, the x-Toothless Babe is no more ketot. She was known since in the tum² to b tall. The late gynae pon once said, "Cool, ur daughter has long legs." Mak and Bapak pon tersenyum simpol malu lerrr. Tgk la kita kan, meng-galah.

And now, although I am bijik as a bumble bee bbbzzzzzzzzz, this head of mine kept thinking what can I do for her besday. C'mon lemme have ur thinkin cap pipol!

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