Monday, September 22, 2008

Pop goes the weasel (not!)

Oh u noe u noe *btulkan sepek*... while helping making and baking the pineapple tart, I felt uneasy. I had dizzy spells and morning sickness striked; I felt like vomitting. And I didnt even acknowledged to whateva Mak's conversations. Heavy pushes at the pelvic area and I felt that my cervix was tore opened. I can feel it tearing slowly. Wah at that time I can be very imaginative. I chked my contraction; or it felt somewhat like contractions.... comes and goes for a gd half hr den subsided and then comes again.

Well, I am goin to my 31st week, and in my heart I was hoping the baby didnt pop out tt soon. I was thinkin bout my tailor made kebaya(s) and I wanna wear them during Hari Raya. hehehe...and so I talked to the bebe in the tum² silently. Stop playing down there, missy, Umi nak celebrate 1st hari raya ok... u can come out end Oct or early Nov la as what been calculated.. don come out early (while rubbing the tum²). Elms confidently said tt it's the Braxton Hicks tt I've been suffering lately (cheh nt say he's a doctor or wat). Oh do u noe tt, my frequent simpul biawak or muscle-pull is quite regular lately. Im hoping I wont get any when eLms works nite shift.... else matilah MAKKKKKK. A few hard tap on him and eLms' to the RESCUE..... pushes my toes hard in order to get rid of the muscle-pulls.

Now..... since the bakings are all done only left the cleaning of the hse jek ... which I might dread to do. Any helpers???

And by the way, the bebe might have stethoscope and eavesdrop thru my thick tummy skin coz wheneva the eldest sis plays ard actively, she'll follow suit and w/ vigorous movements mind u... pain u noe.... bad bad bebe, wait till u come out la den u can play w/ Elly... aiyoooooooo

On the other hand, my E-bag is still not pack... still ok rite? ngehngehngeh

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