Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Cakap sini Habis sini ke?~

During pregnancy time, it's gd to hear from other ppl who think or knows the gender of ur unborn child. Old wives tale or ckp org tua², usually somehow is reliable or juz pure coincident.

For instance,

Carrying High, Carrying Low and Ur Hips gets wider
Carrying high determines that ur child will be a boy and carrying low will be a girl.
Certain ppl said if ur tummy widens to the side, then it's a girl and if it's protruding to the front, a girl it is.

If u cant get enuf chocolates, then u're expecting a girl whereas when u have sour cravings will determine it might be a boy.

The Glow & The Face
When u look sloppish and haggard, it's a girl in there, Honey! But when there's some inner glow in u, then it's a boy. (hey i thot girls are vainpots so why does having boys than we look gd yah?)
Some said when ur nose broadens (kembang terhalang kot), then it'll b a boy or is it a girl ek, i 4got.

There's more to all these esp the food intake during or b4 pregnancy and the timing during ur sexual intercourse and the new ones that I heard was the positioning on the bed itself. HEHEHEHEHE...

Ok, initially everyone thinks that the unborn child in me was a boy. But after scanning it's a girl. Me and eLms took one more look at the so-called xray thingy (yeah it's see thru) and I thot that's the arm of the baby but eLms said it's too big to be the arm. So I was wrong, it was indeed the thigh. (looks at my own thunder thighs) So there's no sign of pistol So my and elly's guess were correct, it'll be a girl.

But nowadays, I have the feeling that the child in me might turn out to be a boy instead. hahaha fickle minded mommie! I cant help it coz ppl keep telling me the things that a pregnant lady would prolly be having a baby boy. They say my face glows la ape la... that didnt occured to me coz some frens of mine who's carrying a girl dont really appear haggard but very very pretty to me. But but whateva it is I hope it's gonna b fine, yes I bet that u'll gonna say that!

Now, I'll let the matter rest and let Allah decide what it's gonna be. About names, the kiasuism started way back b4 ellia was born. We'd decided 2 boys' and 2 girls' name b4hand. mukekekeeke a typical sporean, that's US! So lemme keep on looking at this picture as what I'd done when I was carrying elly.


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