Grown up, grown tall, chatty, clingy, independent, curious, mischevious, hyperactive, no more milk in a bottle w/ tits, loves to sing and dance, loves excitement, learning to write by following the dotted lines, loves to do colouring, loves to chat, loves to read, loves to pretend to be a teacher, loves to be loved, loves to kiss her Pooh Bear and Mini Mouse [asril, the Mini Mouse u bought for her on her 1st bdae!] very much, loves to watch PHD all the time (reads: that is PlayHouse Disney) and last but not least...
She has one imaginary friend. Her name is Ibarah. Yes ppl elly said Ibarah is a girl, pretty and has orange hair [eurasian??]. She has not met up w/ her and doesnt noe where she lives and attends to which sch but they chatted on the phone b4. They still need to find a time to meet up at one of the playground to play slides together. Ibarah is that tall; she stretched her not long hands, trying to describe her friend.
Nowadays, she's clingy. Perhaps she has shown to us that she needs my attention till the baby popped out. Elly, has been a wonderful child and I thank Allah for His blessings.
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